CLSU International Alumni Association Inc (CLSUIAA Inc) Registered by the U. S. Federal Government as a non-profit corporation --501(C)(3) All donations are 100% deductible / tax exempt under IRS Code Sections 2055, 2106 and 2522, effective February 6, 2012. |
(most recent events are in home page)
Dec 10, 2022 - the Executive Committee members held its final meeting of the year at the residence of President Floro in Fremont California, attended by officers - live F2F and in virtual attendance via Zoom app. The meeting was followed immediately celebrating Christmas holidays with lots of Karaoke Christmas singing led by Former President Juanito Campos* (Top left).
* Noted he will soon turn as a 100-year old singer, yet feels strong with his 3 all time favorite songs, titled in no particular order...
October 1, 2022 - Las Vegas, NV. The association just held its annual general assembly (as part of its 8th Biennial Grand Reunion Event) meeting in the morning which was then followed immediately by a Board of Directors meeting. The latter being an association's compliance to requirements sets forth in the policy filed with the IRS 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
A gala night in the evening was highlighted by a presentation and official oath taking ceremony of the newly elected/re-elected 5 directors to serve a 3-year term in office.
An early arrivals fellowship prior to the meeting was held at the Pinoy Joint Restaurant on Sep 30, Friday.
The 3-day event was capped on the last day with a tour of the south rim section of the world famous Grand Canyon US National Park in Arizona.
In Perspective
Rev. Nenita G. Perez, one of the directors in the association, shared her personal feelings and reflections "CLSU Alumni Reunions Can Be Life-changing" in respond to the secretary's solicitation asking attendees during fellowship at the Pinoy Joint for comments, including observations about the event.
April 3, 2022 - San Diego, CA. On this day after the CLUIAAA Executive Committee Meeting in Escondido, members were treated by US Cmdr (Ret) Juanito DelRosario a tour of USS Midway Museum in downtown SD. As one of the docent volunteers, Juanito gave an elaborate explanation of the ships functionality on multi-level decks, from its flight deck, to the engine room including the service quarters to name a few. The group experienced climbing through steep ladders from deck to deck of tight spaces. It sure was a workout for all of us. Shown above are some of the many members of the group that endured the trek, L-R, Sam, Nora, Rob, Val, Juanito, Gloria, Lettie, Gerry, Zeny and Floro. https://www.facebook.com/groups/CLSUIAAI
Shown above are 6 of 7 recipients holding their Certificates of Award Recognition for 2021-2022 CLSUIAA General Membership Scholarship program as selected in partnership with the national association headed by Dr. Carlos Abon (standing 3rd from Left) with some of the current officials of the CLSUAAI.
Anyone interested to be a recipient in 1 of 2 CLSUIAA scholarship programs may inquire by email the following: SER Director Gerry Galinato - galinatoid@aol.com, Dr. Carlos Abon - info@clsualumni.org, or Dr. Jayson Marzan - jlmarzan@clsu.edu.ph
2021 Events
CLSUIAA HELD ITS GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND ANNUAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING on Saturday, Sept 18th in a beautiful Gold Coast Resort of Las Vegas.
Along with it, the association's extended additonal events including the all day tour of the Zion National Park. With the mild summer weather in the park, everyone had a good time hiking the Temple of Siniwava Riverside walk, the Grotto Kayenta trails, and the lower and middle emerald pools near the Zion lodge. Of course, the night before the tour, the group had a special dinner and fellowships at Pinoy Joint. Not to mention the early arrivals had a blast R & R bowling and camaraderie at the bowling center of the Gold Coast Hotel.
Please see the minutes of the meeting up in the left column of this page.
Click on the pictures above to see more.
2020 Events
Saturday Dec 12, 2020 - CLSUIAA HELD A UNIQUE HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS highlighted by the Installations of the newly appointment and re-appointed
Regional Vice Presidents of the association in the United States and in Canada, via ZOOM app. PLEASE SEE THE VIDEO
Sep 26, 2020 - While the whole world is in the middle of the pandemic, the CLSUIAA decided to meet VIRTUALLY via zoom to conduct its annual BOD meeting where it is typically held elsewhere in the US if it were not for COVID-19. Anyhow, it was found during its first ZOOM meeting that CLSUIAA can conduct its business via ZOOM as efficient as it can be considering the current predicament. Shown below are just some of the attendees who were present at the meeting due to some for whatever reason may have logged out early.
Ref: https://secure.vacationstogo.com/vtg/group/home.cfm?uuid=0C4E6020EB30C3099C7D30074015A956
7th Grand Reunion
Feb 9, 2020 - CLSUIAA held its 7th Grand Reunion with CLSU Alumni Association at the beautiful Quest Hotel in Clark, Pampamga from 4PM - 11PM.
CLSU President Edgar A. Orden graced the occassion with an inspirational speech with the presence of the three (3) CLSU immediate past and former presidents, Dr. Terry Abella, Dr. Rudy Undan and Dr. Ely Ruiz, respectively, including the honorable mayor of Munoz, Dr. Nestor Alvarez, amongst the more than 280 alumni and guests in attendance.
Included in this memorable occassion was the OATH taking ceremony of the newly elected members of the CLSUAAI BOD sworn into office by President Orden, followed by a short acceptance speech by newly elected CLSUAAI President Romy Padilla.
CLSUIAA President Rob T. Bugawan would like to thank outgoing CLSUAAI President Nemesio Torres and his staff for all the support, and everyone who participated on this event in conjunction with the Feb 7 & 8 Alumni homcoming held in CLSU.
Shown below is just one of many pictures taken at Clark's. Please click on it to see the other shots, or copy and paste the link below it unto your browsers URL window, then press enter.
YouTube: 7th CLSUIAAI Grand Reunion Video (1 hour and 44 minutes)
2019 Events
Dec 7, 2019 - CLSUIAA Executive Committee held its end of the year meeting with a Christmas Party in Escondido CA hosted by Director Nora and Sam Bagalso. VP Ed Quiba presided over the meeting on behalf of Pres Rob, who was unable to travel to Southern CA but sent a warm relay Christmas greetings to everyone present, Nonetheless. Click here for minutes of meeting.
Sep 22-23, 2019 - CLSUIAA held its Annual Membership Assembly Meeting, at the beautiful resort The Orleans in Las Vegas, Nevada.
CONGRATULATIONS to a 5-member team set of Board of Directors, who got elected into office were immediately sworn into office for the next 3 years, 2020-2021-2022.
Dr Edison Cabacungan, EF Chair, officiated the oath taking ceremony of the following new directors: Dr Leo Abenes, Marcelo Rull, Lorie Malonzo, Ed Quiba and Ohma Viray.
May 25, 2019 - The CLSUIAA Executive Committee held its 2019 spring meeting in CastroValley CA on Saturday May 25. The reports of the various committee chairs were presented including the status of the Endowment Fund, the SEA and the treasurer's report.
One of the key items discussed and recommendations by the committee was about the planned 2020 Feburary event that will be held in Clark, Pampanga. The recommendations will be evaluated further by the special event chair Gloria De Vera and her team, where feasible, to prioritized due to its complicated and planning logistics.
2018 Event
SEP 28,29,30, 2018 - CLSUIAA Annual Membership Assembly Meeting and the 6th Biennial CLSU Alumni Grand Reunion - Las Vegas, Nevada @ The Orleans Hotel.
Shown L-R; Andy Silao, Nora B. Agbada, Leo Sicat, Johnny Raniel and Gerry Galinato, are the five (5) newly elected Board of Directors (3-year term, 2019-2021) being inducted into office by Dr. Romy Padilla.
Congratulations to all members, you have again made this event as another succesful reunion of CLSU alumni yet worth remembering and to cherries. The AMAZING smiles and undescribable happiness can only be seen in real time, as evident by how all attendees have presented themselves on the dance floor, impromptu.
Indeed, we alumni are so blessed and thankful for the oppotunities to reunite once again this weekend. Let us continue sharing these blessings and the memories to our friends, families and to ANYONE. -- rtb
Please check some of the many pictures taken during the 3-day event as well as the dedicated webpage about this event.
May 13, 2018 - Quarterly Executive Committee Meeting. Held in Porterville (466 W. Hemlock Ave, Porterville CA 93257), hosted by VP Eddie Quiba 1-559-784-4281.
CLSUIAA officers & members attended the clsu alumni homecoming & general assembly meeting february 1-5, 2018
HMDO - III Feb 5th, 2018 - CLSU, Munoz, Nueva Ecija Philippines. CLSUIAA Humanitarian, Medical, Dental and Optical Mission (HMDO). Please see day 5 pictorials as part of 2018 CLSUAAI Homecoming.
Dec 15, 2017 - Castro Valley Ca. Christmas Party, Induction of 2018-2020 Officers, and Quarterly Executive Committee Meeting.
The CLSU International Alumni Association, Inc held its Induction of officers, 15th Anniversary and Christmas celebration last Dec 15 at the Palomares Clubhouse in Castro Valley, CA. The event started with a meeting by the Executive Committee at 2:30.. read more
Sep 28-Oct 1, 2017 -Porterville CA. Annual General Assembly & Executive Committee Meeting. Hosted by an Alum Ed Quiba at his persimmon Farm in Porterville. Dinner and Dance was held at his residence compound immediately in the evening on the first day of the meeting. A tour of the Sequoia National Park was done the following day. The BOD meeting and election of the key officers of the association was held on the early part of the third day and sumptuous Luncheon was serve by the host prior to ending the event. CONGRATULATIONS to the newly elected officers and appointed chairs of the different committees.
Jun 28-30, 2017 -Las Vegas, Nevada. Quarterly Executive Committee Meeting. At the Aloha restaurant, the members finalized the planning of events and other activities of the Association for its upcoming annual general meeting to be held in Porterville, CA. The event's venue is being hosted by an Alum Ed Quiba at their Persimmon Farm in Porterville.
Apr 1-2, 2017 - Reno, Nevada. Quarterly Executive Committee Meeting.
The members of the CLSUIAA Executive committee met at the Manila De Cafe Restaurant in Reno where they held their regularly scheduled quarterly meeting, to discuss the upcoming General Assembly in Sept, 2017 among others.
HMDO - II Feb 6th, 2017 - CLSU, Munoz, Nueva Ecija Philippines. CLSUIAA Humanitarian, Medical, Dental and Optical Mission (HMDO).
Check out the HMDO letter of Solicitation sent out for this event and please consider participating or donating for the next HMDO currently being planned for Feb 2018.
2016 Events
Dec 4th, 2016 - Quarterly Executive Committee Meeting. Held in Porterville (466 W. Hemlock Ave, Porterville CA 93257) hosted by Director Eddie Quiba 1-559-784-4281.
CLSUIAA - 5th Grand Reunion Sep 23-24-25, 2016 - Las Vegas, Nevada. Congratulations to all members, with your help and untiring support, the association had another succesful reunion and seen its all time high affair attendance over the weekend at the Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas, Nev. Please check some of the many pictures taken during the 3-day event as well as the dedicated webpage about this event and other informations; http://clsuiaa.org/GrandReunion2016_GoldCoastLasVegas.html
Jun 24-26, 2016 - Boise, Idaho - Gerry & Lettie Galinato hosted the summer meeting of the CLSUIAA Executive committee at their Boise area to follow up on those items that were discussed in Reno and to finalize the association's planning of its biennial reunion to be held later in Las Vegas, NV.
They welcomed and invited everyone at their house located in a beautifully landscaped yard after the meeting in the late afternoon 'til evening on both days, including the early arrivals on the first day for fellowship and sumptous multi-course dinner complemented with bottles of Idaho's red wine.
The final day's activities included a side opportunity for everyone to go on a group cherry picking and picnic-at-the-park not far from the Galinatos house for more unending camaraderie.
Apr 17-18, 2016 - Reno, Nevada - The members of the CLSUIAA Executive committee for the first time held its regularly scheduled quarterly meeting in Reno, NV to discuss its upcoming major September events to be held in Las Vegas, NV. Most meeting attendees took the opportunity to stay extra days in "The Biggest Little City In The World" for longer camaraderie and simply had some fun & pleasure with the best of Reno can offer.
HMDO - I Feb 8th, 2016 - Humanitarian, Medical, Dental & Optical Mission in CLSU Campos. Please click on the HMDO Solicitation letter for specifics of the mission as well as the HMDO Donation Form for your support and financial assistance to its cause.
Jan 10th, 2016 @ 11AM - CLSUIAA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING - Castro Valley CA (see map) Shown while the meeting in progress: (L-R) Johnny Campos, Rey Peralta, Rod Dioso, Rob Bugawan, Lito Viray, Ohma Viray, Floro Gutierrez, Annie Silva and Julie Campos (in the back) and Gerry Galinato (via SKYPE on small screen monitor). Photo courtesy of Johnny Raniel.
2015 Events
2015 President Gerry's Report...
2015 Christmas Greetings -
from Endowment Fund Committee...
Nov 29th, 2015 - CLSUIAA Executive meeting at the residence of newly elected Board of Director Edliberto Quiba in Porterville, California.
- Minutes (subject to approval) Of Executive Committee Meeting Nov 29th.
Sep 5-10, 2015 - CLSUIAA Mexican Cruise, General Assembly & Executive meeting held on a Mexican Cruise aboard the Carnival ship. - Minutes Of the Gen Assy Meeting Sep 9th.
July 26th, 2015 - CLSUIAA Executive meeting at Dr Leo Sicat's home in Oceanside, California - Minutes Of Executive Committee Meeting July26th.
Jun 23rd, 2015 - CLSUIAA president Johnny Campos celebrated another milestone with his families and friends at Mizuumi Sushi & Seafood restaurant in Union City CA.
April 18th, 2015 - CLSUIAA Executive meeting at Dr Leo Abenes' home in Las Vegas, Nevada - Minutes Of Executive Committee Meeting Apr18th.
2014 Events
Dec 6th, 2014 -- Castro Valley CA Christmas Party/Induction of Officers - Dinner/Dance. Click here for the details of the event.
Sep 19-21, 2014 -- General Assembly Meeting, Reno Nevada Harrah's Hotel.
Click here to see details of the 3-day event.
With Dr Ed Cabacungan on the left, who officiated the oath taking of the new set of Board Of Directors (BOD) for 2015 and 2016. Congratulations to (L-R) Dr Leo Abenes, Rob Bugawan, Gerry Galinato, Floro Gutierrez, Val Pascual, Rey Peralta, and Reverend Nenet Perez who are to serve the Association for the next two years.
May 31st, 2014 - CLSUIAA secretary Floro Gutierrez celebrated another milestone with his families and friends at Mizuumi Sushi & Seafood restaurant in Union City CA.
Apr 2014 - CLSUIAA Laboratory Equipments & Supplies for CLSU donation. Shown are "Door-to-Door" Boxes delivered to ALAS CARGO, shipping date - 18th April.
Feb 1st, 2014 - CLSUIAA 4th Grand Reunion, Rizal Park, Manila Philippines. CONGRATULATIONS to all alumni and guests on a successful kick-start held at the historic Manila Hotel of a yearlong 50th celebrations of the elevation of CLSU from its humble beginnings as school and college.
2013 Events
Sep 6th & 7th, 2013 -- General Assembly Meeting, Las Vegas Gold Coast Hotel. Congratulations to (L-R) Dr Leo Sicat, Annie Silva, Ohma Viray, Lory Malonzo, Ning Abenes, Gloria De Vera and Ely Rana for having been elected to serve as members of Association's Board of Directors for the next two years. One of many items approved in the meeting was the official name change to CLSU International Alumni Association, Inc. (CLSUIAA, Inc. or simply "CLSUIAA") from CLSUIAG, Inc.
The following are links for the Sep 7th 2013 minutes of the meeting of the Board of directors Meeting and the General Membership Meeting.
May 18th 2013, Saturday - Hawaiian Night Dinner & Dance.
Lorie Malonzo (510) 799-7700 Email: lsmalonzo@comcast.net
2012 Events
Dec 15th, 2012 -- Engr. Diosdado "Dado" Banatao delivered an inspiring speech
during the Induction of Officers/10th
Anniversary/Christmas Celebration of
CLSUIAG, INC. last December 15 at
the Masonic Hall in Los Gatos, CA. Banatao, dubbed "Bill Gates of the
Philippines" is an inventor and a highly
successful entrepreneur. He graduated
with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Cum laude from Mapua
Institute of Technology and started his
career as a Pilot Trainee in the Philippine Airlines but was pirated by
Boeing and worked as a designer for the company's new commercial airliner and cargo transport aircraft, Boeing
747 in the United States. ...Read more
Jan 27th, 12 noon - First Regularly scheduled executive committe meeting for 2013 was held at the residence of Pres. Johnny Campos in Union City, California. Meeting minutes: Jan 27, 2013
Dec 15th, 2012 5-11PM, Engr. Dado Banatao -- Guest Speaker at the CLSUIAG's 10th Aniversary, Christmas party, Induction of officers and Dinner/Dance at the Masonic Hall located at 131 Main Street, Los Gatos CA 95030.
<<--- click on the tree for pictorials.
Dec 2nd, 2012 noon - Pre-Christmas party meeting held at the Virays residence in Elk Grove, California. Meeting minutes: Dec 2, 2012
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